The term, hold the line, originally referred to military tactics in which a line of troops was supposed to prevent an enemyRead more
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The term, hold the line, originally referred to military tactics in which a line of troops was supposed to prevent an enemyRead more
Albert Einstein: “To us humans, except for physicists, time always seems to move at the same rate and in the same direction—fromRead more
In my previous post, I discussed the fatal flaws at the core of socialism, e.g. the embedded anti-democratic nature of that economicRead more
Fatal flaws exist at the cores of American-style capitalism and socialism, even the oxymoronic democratic socialism. This post deals with socialism; aRead more
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa: I voted for Mr. Donald J. Trump in the 2016 presidential election. During the 2016 electoral season,Read more
Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . . Although IRead more
I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heavenRead more
I previously wrote about how the Frosolono line of my family came to the United States in the later part of theRead more
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution provides the legal basis for citizens to own firearms and, as well, to beRead more
We should keep in mind two complementary postulates: Inappropriate and illegal police action—including outright brutality—against citizens and even non-citizens, regardless of theirRead more
My paternal great-grandfather, Frederico Frosolono, most likely was a communist. According to his second son, Antonio, Frederico was a member of aRead more
Our current political situation, especially the presidential campaign, suggests to me that our country is in the midst of a periodic disarrayRead more
Galileo Galilei (AD 1564-1642), who played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance, was an Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer,Read more
Capitalism is an economic and political system in which private owners, rather than the state, control trade and industry for profit. ARead more
In my two previous posts concerning Christian Politics, I maintained that Judeo-Christian citizens of the United States must be involved in theRead more
Judeo-Christians inescapably find themselves in the midst of a political process when they state their overarching goal from Philippians 2:10 (Every kneeRead more
This post will be the first entry in a series concerning Christian involvement in politics. I am writing this series, at leastRead more
My immediately preceding post discussed Ms. Kim Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, and her supporters who have attempted to forceRead more
Two of my favorite quotes apply to our broken immigration policy. The first appeared in the old comic strip, Pogo, which IRead more
Two earlier posts on this forum describe my family history as legal immigrants to, and subsequently as citizens of, the United States:Read more
I rejoice with my Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) brothers and sisters now that the Supreme Court of the UnitedRead more
My family owned a tailor shop in LaGrange, GA. My paternal grandfather, “Daddy Mike” Frosolono opened the shop in the 1920s. MyRead more
My good friend and highly valued former colleague at the old Burroughs-Wellcome pharmaceutical company, Richard Fleck, suggested I could have said aRead more
The controversy over same sex marriage in some jurisdictions, as illustrated by recent events in Alabama with Chief Justice of the StateRead more
Words have meaning and, most often, the simpler our writing and speech, the better for clarity of our expressed thoughts. We frequentlyRead more
As discussed in my previous blog post, I favor a rational immigration policy. My family history shows how legal immigrants can addRead more
I follow our nation’s immigration policies with great interest. Discussions on this subject in our media, notably on talk radio and theRead more
Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life. Supreme CourtRead more
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated asRead more
Jesus commanded St. Peter, the disciple who had betrayed Jesus, to “Feed my lambs,” “Tend my sheep,” and “Feed my sheep,” (John’sRead more
Albert Einstein and other modern physicists tell us that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously, a scientific theory that deservesRead more
When I was in the second grade, I spent an afternoon playing at a friend’s home across town from where my familyRead more
Of the several important things I learned in my senior philosophy course at LaGrange College, one dictum has particular relevance to theRead more
National and state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) and the U.S. Constitution conflict with each other in important aspects. This divergence arisesRead more
The much-publicized case of Ms. Kimberly Jean Bailey Davis (Ms. Kim Davis) the elected country clerk for Rowan County, KY intrigues meRead more
Most mornings, our bedside Bose clock radio sounds an alarm ten minutes before the time I wanted, the night before, to getRead more
Full disclosure: I am a Judeo-Christian who struggles to profess, witness to, and worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; and IRead more
Why do so many American Christians feel they are being persecuted as a result of the current furor over same sex marriage?Read more
“Don’t you want to go to heaven?” This question came from the audience during a short devotion I presented several years agoRead more
I typed the first sentence of a new blog post into the computer, Several aspects of Christmas perplex me. A soft blueRead more
The pending publication of my newest books—Going Forward, a novella, and Indomitable, a novel—prompted me to reflect upon the writing aspects ofRead more
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plansRead more
The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 The Bible is true, andRead more
Andrea and I have been fortunate to live in several locations where we have made a multitude of friends and worked withRead more
This post presents Chapter 1 from my novel in progress, tentatively titled “Going Forward” or “Play It Forward.” The present material is,Read more
CHAPTER 3 Sunday, Mid-Afternoon Dr. Kendall asked, “Is there a nearby BMW dealer where we can send our car to be repaired?”Read more
CHAPTER 1 Sunday, Mid-Afternoon Jason Andrews walked through the exit doors at the Delta terminal in the Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta. TheRead more
“Have you had enough to drink?” Jordan Elizabeth Rains finished her Jack Daniel’s sour mash, crunched the remaining ice between her teeth,Read more
This one-act play is based in part upon some of the author’s experiences as an opinion columnist for a northeast Georgia weekly newspaper. TheRead more
Please welcome Katie Andraski to my blog. Katie’s post presents and illuminates many of the challenges I’ve faced with my writing, publishing,Read more
I’m thrilled to have Chase Murphy as a guest on my blog. Like he says in his post, sometimes life is aboutRead more
I participate in the Köehler Author Forum on Facebook, which is limited to participants who are authors with Köehler Books. A recentRead more
I experienced an epiphany concerning time when I was a sophomore at LaGrange High School. This sudden new insight occurred shortly afterRead more
The following is an excerpt from my in progress book, Through The Wilderness – a collection of essays on subjects at theRead more
From my Ebook, Thoroughly Biased Opinions, an edited collection of my columns published in the Franklin County Citizen. I wrote this columnRead more
I previously wrote about my legacy of racism and how I have struggled to overcome it. [1] This current blog post discussesRead more
The racially provoked violent events that are disrupting our nation made me think once again about my own racism: I am aRead more
Dictionaries define the adjective “existential” with the following descriptors: Of, or relating to, existence. Concerned with existence, especially human existence. Affirming orRead more
The actual threat Islamic State poses to the homeland of the United States represents one of the areas of confusion among manyRead more
In this and subsequent posts, the terms Islam and Muslim, respectively, will refer to a specific religion and the people who adhereRead more
The recent and continuing tragic, but not completely unexpected, events in Paris and Europe confirm that a state of war exists betweenRead more
Astute historians caution us about applying modern sensitivities to past cultures. For instance, we should not condemn the Roman Empire for itsRead more
Public and private schools contributed to my formal education. My conservative brothers and sisters may insist that the public school experiences contaminatedRead more
The outpouring of solidarity, righteous anger, and commitment to freedoms of speech and the press exhibited in the recent Je suis CharlieRead more